Juliana Spicoluk with her face behind tree leaves

Welcome to my little online footprint.

This page is a snapshot of my journey so far. ⁣ From my roots in Ukraine, to the creation of Boho Beautiful, and beyond. ⁣ It is ongoing and it’s all about the desire to learn, grow, and to share. ⁣

⁣I’m not always keen on positioning myself in standardized typical ways but if you would like to read my bio the link is here. ⁣

⁣Otherwise… carry on down this page and explore⁣.

⁣Love & Light,⁣


If we all get one life to live, it’s imperative that we continue to push as hard as we can.

The possibilities are endless.

And I’ve been learning that the limitations we impose are all self created.

I started in a small Ukrainian village.

My gymnastics career taught me that only through struggle can growth and potential be explored. Through my injuries I learned about resilience and evolution.

Then ‘Boho Beautiful’ taught me that the Universe will deliver all that you demand. And it allowed me to return to myself, and learn my own authenticity.

I travelled and lived all over the world.

I slept in chicken coops in Nepal and in vans under the desert stars. I studied with incredible teachers in far off lands. Shared tea with Tibetan monks, fed SO many stray dogs, and have been physically tested by the power of the Himalayan Mountains and the great Amazonian rainforests.

But somehow as I look back over my shoulder… I still feel I am at the very beginning.

I am grateful for every moment.

A life of learning, purpose, and to be of service to others is more than I ever could have dreamed of.

Juliana Spicoluk sitting in a yoga pose with her hands crossed over her chest

Yoga to me is about seeking the true union of Heart with Spirit.

Each day as I step on my yoga mat I take part in a beautiful sacred honouring of my connection and gratitude to the Divine.

Moving the body so it stays healthy, strong, and vibrant.

Stilling and quieting the mind so I can hear the whispers of my own heart.

And throughout the last 10 years of sharing, connecting, and teaching so many wonderful people, I’m proud to be still a student in every moment and breath.

“Wisdom is knowing I AM nothing. Love is knowing I AM everything. And in between the two my life moves.” - Nisargadatta Maharaj

Juliana Spicoluk performing yoga on a beach
Juliana Spicoluk performing yoga

“I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion- and where it isn't , that’s where my work lies.”

Ram Dass

Boho Beautiful

Boho Beautiful logo

With gratitude I bow to anyone who has found any value through my teachings & yoga classes.

Somehow out of nothing, my husband Mark Spicoluk and I, managed to create Boho Beautiful- our magical vehicle that connects us to so many wonderful people on and off the mat.

Yoga is for everyone…

And in that spirit we are proud to provide a deep and diverse library of thousands of hours of classes & content.

Practice With Me…

Juliana Spicoluk practicing guided meditation

Guided Meditation To Start Your Day

Juliana Spicoluk practicing total body yoga

Awaken Through Total Body Yoga Flow

Juliana Spicoluk practicing morning yoga

20 Minute Blissful Morning Yoga Class

Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu

May all beings everywhere be happy and free,
and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life
contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.


Rise To Your Next Level


Every year Boho Beautiful releases a new Premium Program. Our hearts and our souls, and our entire beings are surrendered completely to each of their creations.

Ascension is the perfect reflection of my ongoing yogic journey, and I have never been more proud of anything as I am of this offering.


stars+destruct. Podcast

A podcast crafted to stand strong with one another’s truth.
We are here to deconstruct, to unlearn & to remember.
Magic carpet rides, and love & light.

Watch it On

Compassionate Karma

I have been blessed to meet and be inspired by so many beautiful souls that are dedicating themselves to the well being and service of others.

My hope is that we can all inspire each other to try to leave this world better than we found it.

Cover of Happy Healthy Plant Based Eating Guide book on iPad and hardcover

The Happy Healthy Plant Based Eating Guide


Living a vegan lifestyle and eating plant based food has been an integral part of my health, ethics, and vitality.

To me it’s a pivotal piece of a holistic and complete Yogic Life.

Ahimsa: non-violence.

This book is a self made co-creation that intends to help anyone curious of the benefits of a vegan/plant based life experience, transition, or anyone looking to deepen their journey towards this lifestyle that has healed me from the inside out.

Juliana Spicoluk laughing with glass of water

As I lie here under the moonlight.

I give thanks to all.

Continuing to surrender to the guidance of my own heart.

I can only ask of myself to shine brighter each day than the last.

And I can only hope that others might attempt to do the same.

As a great Guru once said, “ we are all just walking each other home,” and so may we continue to do just that and do our best to remember how special every breath we are gifted with actually is.

So say we all..


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